Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One of these things is not like the other....

Spouse and I went to San Antonio last weekend for the Texas Comicon. He sells Japanese model kits to nerds - basically.

I went with him to help out. Got my own little table to supervise, even though I had the "boring stuff;" GI Joes, some Star Wars figures, a very popular set of multicolored R2D2 magnets that almost everyone had to pick up, look at, and comment on, but not buy. Also, there were some card game cards and some Star Wars Pez dispensers.

Meanwhile, Spouse gets all the action over at the Model Kit table.

I'm not really one of those types of "nerds." Sure, I like to read and learn things. But I don't match the caliber of the types that frequent these conventions.

And I have to say, it was fun! If you like to people watch, try one of these next time there's one in your area. You will be amused. There were many, many people dressed up as certain people/things, some you don't know who they wanted to be. There was an entire club of guys dressed up as Storm Troopers and other Star Wars baddies. I had my picture taken with a Tuscan Raider, Storm Trooper, and Bobafet. I saw and briefly spoke to Brent Spiner who played "Data" on Star Trek. The first celebrity I have ever came in contact with.

I know what you're thinking, "people that go to Comicons are giant freaks." While that could be partly true, you gotta think of this:
*These people are, for the most part, happy.
*This Comincon is probably one of the best places they feel comfortable.
*This type of thing gives them a sense of belonging.
*Stuff they have at Comicons makes them happy.

I admire someone who can be theirself despite what society deems "appropriate." I'm all for that. It's just a bunch of people having some good clean fun at a function. 99% of the attendees were the nicest, well mannered people ever gathered in a central location.

And there were so many happy kids. They just seemed happy to be there and soaking it all in with the parents who raised them. This little bit made me have low-grade baby fever again.

I can't wait to go to another Comicon.

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