So, tonight, Spouse and I will do a practice run at camping in our new tent in the back yard.
We just bought the tent tonight, set it up pretty easily, blew up the new mattress and we're ready to go. It's quite windy, as it has been for the past 2 months it seems like. It didn't challenge us in pitching the tent, I'm just wondering how it will go trying to sleep.
Camping is my newest interest. When I was a kid, we had a Starcraft pop-up trailer and went camping in DeQueen, Arkansas all the time. It was pretty fun. After my grandpa died, we kinda stopped going, and I never really went again until we went back to Arkansas in my Dad's RV when I was 27. Quite a span of time. It was enjoyable then, but RV camping isn't really camping to me.
Sometimes, I just want to get away from home. There are state parks everywhere near us, so just scooting off to go camping seemed to be a nice getaway idea. Cheaper too....sort of....once you have all the camping stuff.
So we'll see how it goes. I'm a big dork, but it's kinda exciting :)
**UPDATE** We made it about 4 hours, and I slept some, but it was so windy, the tent/rain fly was flapping around and Spouse couldn't get to sleep. Oh well, I think we've tested it out pretty well though.